Conroy, Kyleigh

Miss. Conroy

Miss Conroy  

Welcome to 5th grade!

My name is Miss Conroy and I am SO excited to be your teacher this year! This will be my third year at UES, and I can not wait to meet you all. I graduated with my Bachelors in English and Elementary Education from The College of New Jersey in 2021 & I also graduated with my Masters in Special Education in May 2022 from TCNJ as well!

crayon heart
Please check out the "Useful Links" tab to find more information about our classroom! To contact me, you can always send me an email, but I primarily like to use Class Dojo to update families and students daily! 

The 5th grade classroom supply list is located under the 'useful links" tab, but we are always grateful for:
Ziploc bags
Baby wipes
Yellow Lysol wipes

My Teaching Philosophy

I expect my teaching philosophy to be ever-evolving, just like myself. It has been my dream to become a teacher for as long as I can remember, and I plan to continue to educate myself so I can always be the best for my students. I am passionate and eager to continue to learn more about education, strategies, and concepts, but I am most importantly excited to learn something new from my students and grow with them each and every day. 

As an educator, my number one goal is to create a positive, safe, and welcoming classroom environment for all of my students. I want all of my students to feel like they belong in our classroom, and I believe that being a part of a supportive, inclusive, and safe community will help empower students, increase student participation, and enhance learning. I will also strive to create meaningful relationships with not only my students, but with their families. Parent-teacher communication is of key importance for me to meet the individual needs of all of my students. while also helping to create an even larger classroom community.

All students learn differently, and it is my priority to differentiate learning for my students using the Universal Design for Learning framework. Every student learns at a different speed in a different way so by implementing the Universal Design for Learning framework, I will ensure that all of my lessons provide students with multiple means of representation so they can learn through their preferred style. While teaching, I will also implement the Gradual Release of Responsibility by following the I Do, We Do, You Do model. This strategy is beneficial to students because it helps them slowly move towards independence with a new skill. I love allowing my students to work in collaborative pairs and groups because I think this allows for rich conversations, while also building my students’ academic confidence. 

I am aware that teachers have a large impact on every student that walks through their classroom door, and I believe that it is crucial for teachers’ to believe in every single student they meet. I will always make sure to motivate my students, while pushing them to meet their full potential. Every student is capable of achieving academic growth, and I believe that this should be measured by varied forms of assessments. I also plan on addressing diverse student needs by incorporating culturally relevant materials, differentiated instruction, and multiple forms of evaluation.

I want all students to succeed, learn, and grow, but most importantly, I want my students to be able to walk into my classroom and know that they are loved, accepted, and safe. I want to be the best teacher I can be, but I also want to be a friend to each and every student I come in contact with. I want them to know that they can come to me for anything, and most importantly, I want my classroom to be a safe space for them.