
Principal's message

Welcome to Upper Elementary School of North Hanover Township.

I am very excited to be a part of UES and the North Hanover Township team. Here at UES we look forward to offering our young learners a safe, engaging and enriching learning environment. Our goals are to help every child realize their academic potential, offer a program that will serve them as they transition to middle school, and create lasting memories that they can cherish for years to come.

With the adoption of New Jersey Student Learning Standards, our curriculum and dedicated teachers will give students not just the knowledge they will need, but the skills that will guide them in learning for the rest of their lives. Although academics are at the heart of our mission, character development will also play an essential role at UES, our program will focus on honesty, persistence, respect, and responsibility; traits that will be important in becoming well-rounded youngsters.

Working together, we can ensure a rewarding educational experience for both you and your child. We appreciate parental support and encourage every parent to be involved in their child’s educational success. The UES team is excited for this school year and look forward to seeing the bright young faces of enthusiastic learners coming through our doors every morning.


Jimmy Alvarez
Upper Elementary School

Jimmy Alvarez, Principal