
Food in School

Increasing numbers of students with a variety of food allergies and new School Nutrition Program guidelines have caused us to take a careful look at our policies and practices for serving food in the classroom. Here at North Hanover Schools, we have several students who have life-threatening allergies to peanuts, tree nuts and nut products, as well as eggs, dairy and other foods. Exposure to these products may require the administration of epinephrine, as well as a hospital visit. We also have new School Nutrition Program Guidelines that require that any foods served during the school day, for any reason, meet certain requirements.

In order to assure the safety of our students, and to ensure that we are meeting all required guidelines, our nurses have worked diligently to provide you with a list of foods that are appropriate for most of our classroom celebrations like birthday parties, holiday events, etc. When planning for these occasions, please select foods that are from this list, or contact your child's school cafeteria for foods they are able to supply for the occasion. All ingredient labels must be on the product and whole label must be able to be read. If your teacher has notified you that there is a food allergy in your child's class that includes a product that you find on the list, we ask that you kindly make another selection. Absolutely no home baked goods or home cooked foods can be shared here at any North Hanover Twp. elementary school during parties, celebrations or special activities. If homemade foods are brought in for those events they will not be served to the students.

North Hanover Township School District Acceptable food list

Approved Healthy Food List