
Code of Conduct


An effective discipline program is essential in the teaching and learning process. The staff
of the North Hanover Township School District has established an educational environment
in which children can comfortably learn at their own level.
Our staff is committed to teaching and reinforcing appropriate student behavior. Courtesy,
respect, and problem-solving strategies are practiced by all staff members and students.
Students are encouraged to consistently follow school rules of conduct, set a positive
example for others, and understand how their behavior affects others.
First and foremost, we believe in using proactive measures to encourage positive behavior
for students. Responsive practices, the district counseling curriculum and support

program, trauma informed practices, self-regulation techniques, and staff training in pro-
active behavior management all contribute to an environment where students learn to

problem solve, develop self-regulation strategies, resolve conflict, and participate in a
classroom and school community in a positive way. These practices are in all of our
classrooms in each school.
When students deviate from the expected behavior of the classroom or school, teachers
and other school staff respond directly. If the situation warrants it, the behavior specialist
team, assistant principal, or principal may also be involved. Students are encouraged to
take ownership of their actions and meet the rules and expectations of the school. We
believe each student has the final responsibility for the consequences of his/her behavior.
However, parents are an important part of the process and are notified if a behavior
persists or repeats, or is disruptive in the classroom. Together, our goal is that every child
can learn in a safe and supportive, pro-social environment.